February 9th – February 13th

| February 22, 2015 | 0 Comments

This week our kids learned the alphabet “p”. They traced the letter on sand paper letter and learned words like pineapple, pizza, pancake, pot, popsicle, pine cone, parrot, pile, plums, peach, pasta, potato, pomegranate, plastic, popcorn, pig, papa, puppy, etc. They had a pizza party along with popcorn, pineapple, and popsicles. We read a storybook “Papa Loves Me”. They also colored the picture of a pineapple.

Our goal: This week our goal was to improve their fine motor skills.

IMG_1314IMG_1317Look at the picture: All of them are very excited about their pizza party along with pineapple, popcorn, and popsicles.

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Category: Transition

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