Friday- February 15, 2013
Today in the Montessori preschool we read, Red Sled by Lita Judge. The story has no words, only sound effects and pictures. It’s nice to show the kids that stories don’t have to have words, and that they were still able to tell the story back to us without the words.
We also made melted crayon sun-catchers today. We ironed crayon shavings, that the kids picked, between two pieces of wax paper and then let them harden. All the colors mixed together were pretty cool! Just to be safe we sealed them between laminate, cause they were very fragile!
Show-and-share was very fun today too. Some friends brought circus swords, others brought cake toppers… will they never run out of things to share?! We also noticed that one of our friends was wearing the bracelet that we made for them and that made us feel great! Hope you all liked them!
Category: Preschool