
| November 25, 2014 | 0 Comments

turkey cyclopsWe’re so grateful to all the families who were able to attend our Thanksgiving potluck on Monday.  Our class prepared for the last week; working on crafts and  rehearsing a song about thankfulness, which we sang boldly every morning until performance time when our students became mysteriously shy. For our crafts we made autumn colored handprint paintings, paintings of things for which we are grateful, paper towel roll turkeys and a handprint tree.  As always crafts provide opportunities for sensory explorations and fine motor skills.  Our daily lessons during circle time focused on gratitude.  Tuesday Miss Hayley also discussed Thanksgiving travel and celebration plans and did a short lesson on the first Thanksgiving.   For special treats this week, we read an educational book called Dinosaurs and a funny book called Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich and painted with a foam concoction of glue and shaving cream. We had many hours of good work cycle time this week and next week we’ll return to our regular alphabet curriculum with the letter “I”.

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Category: Preschool

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