How does a Garden Grow? (June 16th – June 21st)

| June 22, 2014 | 0 Comments

This week we had lot of fun to make our own garden. We mixed the soil with fertilizer. Then we planted tomato plants and watered the plants everyday.

photo 4 (2)Look at this picture: Our kids are working very hard to make their own garden.

They learned what are the factors necessary for healthy garden. We also made scarecrow using old clothes and paper.

image (2)Look at the picture: Our scarecrow is really scary.

At the end of this week, we saw tomato flowers and we are very excited to see tomatoes in our garden.

Our goal: This week our goal was to make them learn about the required factors for a plant’s growth.

Next week our theme is “Painter’s Palette”.

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Category: Transition

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