January 13 – January 17 Lesson Plan for CH#1

| January 21, 2014 | 0 Comments

This week children house 1 worked with the alphabet “k” along with its phonic sound. They learned CH#1 kids made a kite so many words like kangaroo, kite, kitten and key, as these words begin with the letter “k”. We, together, made a classroom kite using colorful construction paper. They also learned about the diamond shape while making the kite. They even tried to make a diamond shape using their four fingers.

Selena picture      Look at this picture: Selena is so good at making a diamond shape using her four fingers.

We also discussed about some important facts related to kangaroo and our kids were very excited to hop like a kangaroo.


This coming week we will be working with the alphabet “l” and the lemonade making activity.


Our goal: This week our goal was to make them learn about some scientific facts about kangaroo and to improve their group-working skill.

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Category: Transition

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