January 19th – January 23rd
This week our kids learned the alphabet “m” along with its phonic sound. They also traced the alphabet on sand paper letter and learned some words like melon, mice, mouse, mickey, mug, mask, mom, mother, month, my, Monday, mango, etc. as these words start with the alphabet “m”. We sand “Mary had a Little Lamb” in our classroom as “Mary” starts with letter “m”. We learned collage work and we applied that method on the picture of mango. We had melon tasting activity. Our kids differentiated between two different kinds of melon – one was orange in color and the other was green in color. They also saw the difference between the seeds – the green melon had bigger seeds than the orange melon – and felt the difference in taste of the two kinds of melon – the green melon was crunchy while the orange melon was soft. Children House#1 kids read the storybook “Moo says Cow” as “moo” starts with alphabet “m”.
Our goal: This week our goal was to improve their eye-hand coordination skill and give them scientific knowledge about the melons.
Category: Transition