Learning with Funny Hats!
After our week of snow delayed our Valentines and 100 Days celebrations, we had a week of parties. Parties in our room are opportunities to have fun and learn at the same time. We plan multiple small and large group activities. Some of our younger students are working on fine motor skills and spatial orientation, so craft activities present opportunities to practice those skills. For our older students, we incorporate counting and spelling into our activities; addressing all those Valentines and distributing them is secretly a reading and writing lesson. Helping younger friends is also a great way to learn.
We also completed our 100 Acts of Kindness project. Thanks to all the families for participating and sharing the kindnesses practiced at home. And also thanks for sending in the collections of 100 objects for our 100 days activities.
Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page for more photos: https://www.facebook.com/montessoriacademy.chapelhill
Category: Preschool