November 4th – November 8th

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

photo  This week we added notebooks to the activities available during our Works time.  Each notebook contains worksheets in Reading, Writing, Math and Science. Assessments allowed us to choose work based on each child’s skill level. Some of the worksheets include identifying and drawing shapes, object differentiation and learning letters. We also did a letter identification game with the entire class.

Another fun group activity is estimating the temperature.  Before we go outside, Miss Brittany lays out numbers from 1-100 and by process of elimination, we figure out what the actual temperature is and whether or not we need coats.  As an aside, don’t forget to send jackets and coats as the weather cools.

A folder of art completed this year will appear in your child’s cubby this Friday. Please remember to take it home.

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