
| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments



OCTOBER was a great month for art in Children’s House 2. We collaged and sponge painted trees, made owls and finger puppet bats and decorated and played drums.  The Orange CountyPartnership for Young Children visited for a morning of multimedia activities. We made several different crafts for Fall Festival; I particularly enjoyed the moment when Batman exclaimed “I’m learning to sew!”


During works time, we’ve begun to add  sensorial works to the practical life works.  As well as sorting  objects by size, with a set of wooden shakers, the children are learning to sort by sound.  Among the practical life works introduced this month are threading,  patterning, writing and lock box works.  With assessments completed, in November we’ll begin working on our individualized writing, reading, math and science notebooks.

The children continue to look forward to weekly music time with Miss Sharon and often sing her songs together between visits.  This month Miss Brittany has been reading Roald Dahl’s The Fantastic Mr. Fox and during naptime, we’re up to the third book in CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia.













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