P Week
P is for Party! And Fun Friday has been so much fun. So far we’ve made valentines, pizzas, had show and share and learned about Martin Luther King, Jr . Every day this week has been just that busy. Yesterday, we learned about pulleys during science and introduced our Montessori pulley work at circle time. Before lunch, a puppeteer visited with four paper mache’ animal stick puppets. We improvised a pretend play based on their personalities, which turned into a traditional morality play about eating our lunch and not anyone else’s lunch. We also learned how the puppets were made. Our students did such an excellent job with questions and taking turns and listening, while still having fun and laughing. We were really pleased, which also starts with p. Wednesday was Parent Education Night (parent begins with p). We talked about our kindergarten readiness goals and played a guessing game with self-portraits that the students made. Each portrait included three words or phrases that the children used to describe themselves. This simple activity can tell us a bit about our students emotional development and self-concept. We’re pleased with how much our friends have grown in their emotional regulation this year as this is an important skill in transitioning to kindergarten. Wednesday’s math revolved around a pie as we continued to learn about fractions and the P words: parts and portion. We have a new Montessori fraction work as well. Monday and Tuesday we made our portraits and worked with sight words, sounds, matching games and rhyming. So many common words start with P, we’re lucky it’s sandwiched between the more difficult O and Q so our students had lots of success and positive reinforcement this week. Our students are also doing a wonderful job with the new works, cooperating and helping each other learn. We’re all enjoying this Winter.
Category: Preschool, Uncategorized