Spring is Almost Here!

| March 12, 2014 | 0 Comments

These past two weeks have been so much fun and exciting for us! Ms. Suzy has joined our teaching staff, and we have had new friends join in on our Montessori fun; Maya and Taiki are the newest additions to our classroom, and they have been joining us on our daytime activities that are helping us jump right into spring. We arIMG_6102



IMG_6026e so glad they are here with us!

Lately, the weather has been cold and dreary, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying springtime in our classroom. With the help of Ms. Casey and Ms. Suzy, we got our hands dirty and planted flowers for our very own miniature garden. The toddlers were able to help pat the flowers in place as well as mix up the hearty soil. Plants are such a great tool used to introduce nourishment and life, and it was so lovely to be able to enjoy nature inside when the weather outside was less than compromising. The children are always fascinated with the hanging plant in the corner of our room, and these flowers are a great addition to our learning environment. By planting the flowers together as a class, the teachers were able to emphasize the importance of team work, all while encouraging cooperation among one another by having the children engage in an activity that they enjoyed with their friends. This is an important principle in the Montessori method, and we try to emphasize the importance of community and collaboration whenever we can.

During music time, we also highlighted having fun as a unit through a different method of dancing. Typically when children dance, they do so individually, but this time, we encouraged children to dance with their friends. Once one pair of children started to boogie, more and more toddlers wanted to join in! Pretty soon we had 5 of our friends all holding hands and dancing along to the beat. This provided a wonderful and lighthearted opportunity to focus on gentle, friendly interaction and practice communication with one another.

Here we are, showing off some of our arts and crafts that we’ve made this week. Oh, how excited we are that springtime is near!

We are still using our manners “please” and “thank you” prevalently, and the children have really started to pick it up more and more. Keep practicing at home, it’s a great skill to teach our little ones.

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