
| December 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

One of our favorite and important Maria Montessori quotes is, ” Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed”. Children are born with an amazing amount of determination and will. As educators, it is our very important task to help children channel that determination into even the smallest task. From a toddler learning to hang up their coat on a hook to the preschooler mastering the alphabet and learning to read, we will let the child implement their natural born desire to succeed.Preschooler Henry and Emily with Tower

We are coming to the end of another great year at the Montessori Academy of Chapel Hill. We have made many new friends and see some old friends graduate and move on to Kindergarten. Learning and growinHappy Holidayg keeps us all busy and fulfilled.

As a reminder to all of our families, the Montessori Academy of Chapel Hill will be closed for winter break from December 24th through January 4th. Our school will open again at its regular hour of 7:30 am to 5:30 pm on Monday, January 5th, 2015. We would like to wish everyone a very safe and Happy Holiday Season!

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