
| July 8, 2014 | 0 Comments

photo (15)  Summer has been so busy! So many June birthdays and saying good-bye to friends as they leave for kindergarten.  During circle time, we’re sharing stories about vacation and visits from family and friends. Most of our students are excited about swimming and all the different places they can swim.

Our summer schedule is slightly different than our fall schedule. We begin with outside time and have a craft during morning work cycle every day.  Check the cubbies for rattles, flags, maps and all sorts of creations. We have new works coming into the classroom each week and are beginning to plan our classroom for the next school year.   And of course, every Wednesday is Splash Day! on Splash Day we eat lunch outside while we dry so please send foods that do not need to be microwaved.

Don’t forget Friday’s are Dress Up Day!  We encourage our students to dress as the week’s theme. This week is Treasure Hunters and next week is the Five Senses. Please remember that we do go outside every day, so costumes should be appropriate for the heat or easy to remove.  Friday is also still Show and Share. Check our bulletin board to see if it’s your child’s week.

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Category: Preschool

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