The Community of Children

| March 4, 2015 | 0 Comments

A very important and vital part of a Montessori classroom are the children themselves. Children in a Montessori classroom are provided with many opportunities for making friends and interacting with their peers. Emphasis is placed on developing consideration for others and learning how to cooperate  with one another . Everyone in the classroom contributes and takes responsibility for the classroom’s environment, maintaining its cleanliness and organization. Because a Montessori classroom contains a multi-aged group of children. Older children provide leadership and guidance and act as models for the younger children, reinforcing their own previously learned skills and knowledge. Older children also benefit by the satisfaction which comes from helping others. 912044_10151542935128984_108618845_nHenry and Emily with Brown TowerYounger children learn by the example set by the older children.

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