Thumb Printing (March 17 – March 21)
This week children house#1 kids learned the alphabet “s” along with its phonic sound. We traced it on sand paper letter. Our kids also learned some words like strawberry, sun, sister, snake, Sunday, Saturday, September, song, as these words start with the letter “s”.
Our kids colored the picture of a strawberry and sun. They learned a new technique of art which is called thumb printing. They dipped their thumb into red paint and made thumb prints onto a snake. We celebrated St. Patrick’s day in Children House#1. Our kids colored the picture of a leprechaun with his gold pot. We also enjoyed singing “I am a Leprechaun” song with Ms. Sharon in our music class.
Look at these pictures: Marley’s strawberry is so yummy and her thumb-printing on snake looks great.
Next week we will be working with the alphabet and “t” and we will also talk about the season “Spring” in class.
Our goal: This week our goal was to improve their eye- hand coordination skill.
Category: Transition