W Week

| April 3, 2015 | 0 Comments

small counting rodsMany things are cool, but whales are “supercool.”

For weeks, our students have looked at the amazing pictures in our new National Geographic Kids First Big Book of the Ocean  and this week we read all about whales, walruses, whale sharks and krill. Krill doesn’t start with W, but blue whales eat krill.  We learned the difference between marine mammals and fish, reviewing  many of our science words and concepts.  We listened to whale song for the majority of two days and learned the many theories on why whales make sounds. On Science Thursday, we read books about wind and did an experiment with cold and warm water demonstrating how cold and warm air fronts interact.

Wednesday, we introduced the Montessori counting rods work, played games and did several activities with the counting rods. Several more of our friends finished their 1-100 counting sheets while others tackled addition sheets and bead works.  All week we played games with question words: Who, What, Where, When and Why.   A favorite game that you can play at home or on Spring break car and airplane trips involves asking questions to make a story.  Who is knocking at the door? What are they wearing? Where did they come from?  When did they arrive? Why are they here?

Keeping with the Montessori focus on order and manners, we focused on our whispering voices and walking feet.  Our students did such a good job, another teacher told us that it was so quiet she thought we weren’t here.  And that was during lunch time!  We also ate snack outside almost every morning and played outside again after lunch.  We love the Spring weather!  Fun Friday Miss Hayley cracked confetti eggs on all our friends’ heads and set up an inside scavenger hunt as well as having our Friday freeze dance party.


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