Week F

| November 7, 2014 | 0 Comments





Pointilist “Monster Princess” by Emily and “Monster Truck” by Lucius



Smart Start visited for their yearly hour of art, adding to our usual weekly Fun Friday.  Children all through the school district participate and chosen artists in each age group will have a show at the ArtsCenter. For two years running, children from Children’s House #2 have been featured.

With sporadic rain mid-week, we spent time inside playing listening and movement games.  Early in the week we had two birthdays and subsequent outside time to work off our cupcakes. We’re pleased with the cooperative play and good communication we’re witnessing on the playground. Our students are really learning how to negotiate with each other.

Our science word was Freeze: we observed ice cubes and learned about temperature.  For Math day, we worked with Montessori works that demonstrate simple addition.  Some of our students also did written addition.  Writing and reading continues to be individualized for each students’ learning needs.

Remember to send layered clothes.  We’ll be going outside most days!

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