Week G
( picture to the left:
Marley is so pleased that her “g” looks like the teacher’s “g”.
She worked hard learning to face the “tail” the right way.)
For Week G, we abandoned our notebooks. On Monday, we played matching games with word and picture cards focusing on phonics. On Tuesday, we read Patricia Polacco’s G is for Goat, an alphabet book about goats. We wrote the letter G with our fingers in shaving cream and sand. As adults it’s easy to forget the challenges of letters like g and q, but for our students it can be a real accomplishment to perfect them. Working with tactile materials, instead of just pencil and paper, uses more neural pathways and solidifies the experience. Wednesday, we practiced counting, simple addition and subtraction with marshmallows. Marshmallows are gooey , so they secretly start with G. Geology was the science word this week. Miss Hayley read two books from the classroom collection and lead the students in observing different kinds of rocks described in the text. Our afternoon students also did an art project with glue and shaving cream this week.
For Fun Friday, Miss Maria brought Jane Dyer’s Little Brown Bear Won’t Take a Nap!, a book about bears, geese, migration and hibernation. She’s campaigning for Hibernation for Week H, but Miss Hayley thinks Helium is more interesting. So much to Learn and Explore!
We added four new works to the Practical Life area: sifting, folding, chopsticks and a new screw work. All of these works build fine motor skills and attention. Also, this holiday season put your children work folding dish towels, cloth napkins, and all manner of small square and rectangular things. They can do it!
(picture to left #2:
Jonah and Lucius work with the word and picture matching cards)
Category: Preschool